Adam Alford Dental provides a wide variety of emergency dental care in Brisbane.
We understand a tooth can break for a number of reasons, whether it has been fractured by eating something hard, a decay-induced break or trauma related such as a blow to the face. A lot of the time, a patient may not experience any pain if a tooth has broken, however the protective enamel of the tooth which has fractured away now exposes the vulnerable tooth structure which is susceptible to bacterial infection, which can ultimately lead to pain, root canal therapy and potentially loss of the tooth all together.
Generally, if a tooth has sustained a chip or break, the dentist will assess the damage, advise of an appropriate course of action and repair the tooth on the day of the appointment. Sometimes a tooth will require more of a long term restorative option, such as a structurally supporting porcelain inlay, or crown, where another appointment may be required.
There is usually always a choice as to what treatment option is best for each individual, and this can be discussed at the time of the appointment.
Tooth aches can be caused by different factors such as decay which has infected the nerve supply of a tooth, a cracked tooth or a trauma related injury, even inflamed gums can cause serious pain.
Pain can come and go and doesn’t necessarily have to be keeping you awake at night for it to start affecting your lifestyle. Unfortunately though, pain doesn’t usually go away by itself, it needs to be treated by a dentist, usually before it gets worse.
Pain associated with wisdom teeth can be debilitating. If a patient is experiencing pain, pressure, tenderness or headaches, this could be associated with erupting wisdom teeth. What can be done about them?
A full face radio-graph, also known as an OPG, can show us jaw joints, sinuses, major facial nerve structures and more importantly the position of the wisdom teeth in relation to these facial features.
At this time the dentist reviews the OPG and examines the mouth to determine what the appropriate course of action is. In most cases some or all of the wisdom teeth need to be removed. Depending on the degree of difficulty, we may refer patients to a trusted specialist to remove the teeth.
If patients are experiencing pain associated with their wisdom teeth, and they have decided to have them removed, symptoms can be managed through chlorhexidine irrigation, anti-biotics and pain relief.
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